You'd like to make sustainable choices in life. But do you think it is too hard? You are worried about the earth and think "what can I do?"
there are so many things you can do to help. Just bringing your own bag to the supermarket. riding your bicycle to a shop instead of taking your car. add tofu to your stir fry instead of having beef. these are all easy things that you can do. Imagine an entire community does it. The effect is enormous.
another important thing to do is to talk to your friends and families. inspire them to do the same.
1 home
-suitable size house for your need. (bigger house needs more energy)
-choose the location that minimises your need to drive.
-when you renovate reuse the material, select materials that are more sustainable.
-design your house so it is more energy efficient (insulation, low energy appliances, water savers etc.)
-Eat less meat, seafood, eggs and dairy products
-choose local and organic
-choose whole foods instead of processed
-buy bulk to save packaging
-drive and fly less
-buy the most fuel efficient vehicles possible
-improve your driving habits,
-use cleaner fuel
-choose sustainable products (fair trade, local quality, recycled etc.)
-reduce your consumption